About Us

The European Living Folklore Association was founded with the aim of researching and disseminating information about modern living folklore traditions, especially mystery traditions, and to help them survive in the 21st century.


Even the ancient Greeks encountered a kind of knowledge that cannot be communicated, only experienced. These secrets were called mysteries. Throughout history, many mystery schools have been born, and some of them are still alive and active today. Mystery schools often appear as nature religions (e.g. Wicca, Druidism), while others practice mystical, gnostic forms (e.g. thelema). We support all mystery schools.

Nature religions

Mysteries have always been rooted in nature, and provide explanations for natural phenomena that have profound meaning for human life. In addition, the emergence of Wicca in the mid-20th century has influenced the development of many traditions that do not have mysteries, but which also draw their symbolism from nature (and this has always been part of folklore). For this reason, we also support all religions, systems and schools based on the love of, and interaction with nature.


Eco-awareness and environmental protection

It is quite clear from the above that sustainability and conservation are inherent to any movement that fits under the label of "living folklore", and our association considers it its spiritual duty to support and advocate for such goals.

Support our work

If you would like to help us, you can become a supporting member, but all donations are gratefully accepted.

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